Who is she?
AnneMarie Nolan is an avid road runner. She is a member of St. Killians Athletic Club and also trains in Ferrycarrig Active Club. AnneMarie takes part in road running competitions all over the county and in Leinster on a regular basis.
What is her Wexford link?
She grew up in Wexford. She moved to Dublin for 4 years to study in Trinity College Dublin and finished her studies in 2011 and now works in Wexford.
Where can you find her?
Facebook: You can find her hanging out in the Ferrycarrig Active Club.
Don't forget to like Wexford Healthy Eats on Facebook to keep up to date with upcoming interviews with more Wexford people!
AnneMarie Nolan is an avid road runner. She is a member of St. Killians Athletic Club and also trains in Ferrycarrig Active Club. AnneMarie takes part in road running competitions all over the county and in Leinster on a regular basis.
What is her Wexford link?
She grew up in Wexford. She moved to Dublin for 4 years to study in Trinity College Dublin and finished her studies in 2011 and now works in Wexford.
Where can you find her?
Facebook: You can find her hanging out in the Ferrycarrig Active Club.
Don't forget to like Wexford Healthy Eats on Facebook to keep up to date with upcoming interviews with more Wexford people!

Describe your lifestyle:
Describe your diet in a few words.
I believe in eating clean and green.
How do you relax?
Physically, I relax by reading, spending time with good friends and sleeping whenever I can. I find training de-stresses the mind and I practice mindfulness to build up mental stamina and endurance for competitions.
How well do you sleep & how for long?
Luckily I sleep great, 8-9 hours per night unbroken.
Describe your diet in a few words.
I believe in eating clean and green.
How do you relax?
Physically, I relax by reading, spending time with good friends and sleeping whenever I can. I find training de-stresses the mind and I practice mindfulness to build up mental stamina and endurance for competitions.
How well do you sleep & how for long?
Luckily I sleep great, 8-9 hours per night unbroken.
"I find training de-stresses the mind and I practice mindfulness to build up mental stamina and endurance for competitions."

Describe your training:
I train 5 times per week with a mixture between running and strength training.
My weekly runs are based around high intensity interval training (HIIT), endurance runs, tempo runs and easy recovery runs. The high intensity interval training (HIIT) runs are fast paced reps of various distances, repeated about 8 times. This trains my body to run at a faster pace and hence increase my speed in races. My endurance runs are good for ensuring I can last the distance of a race. These runs would also include hills for training. During my tempo runs, I run at race pace or slightly faster and hold it for a certain distance to again, increase my speed. Recovery runs are very important for recovering from a harder day. I run at a much slower pace to loosen out my muscles, keeping my heart rate low. I run mostly on the road or the track but sometimes I train on the treadmill.
I also go to the gym 4 times a week where I do an hour of various weight and strenghtening exercises which include squats, bench press, chin ups, deadlift, core work etc. My race times have improved considerably with the inclusion of strength training. On race weeks I ease off on leg weight exercises to ensure my legs are fully recovered for race day. My core work consists of planking, press ups and a variety of ab exercises with weights.
I train 5 times per week with a mixture between running and strength training.
My weekly runs are based around high intensity interval training (HIIT), endurance runs, tempo runs and easy recovery runs. The high intensity interval training (HIIT) runs are fast paced reps of various distances, repeated about 8 times. This trains my body to run at a faster pace and hence increase my speed in races. My endurance runs are good for ensuring I can last the distance of a race. These runs would also include hills for training. During my tempo runs, I run at race pace or slightly faster and hold it for a certain distance to again, increase my speed. Recovery runs are very important for recovering from a harder day. I run at a much slower pace to loosen out my muscles, keeping my heart rate low. I run mostly on the road or the track but sometimes I train on the treadmill.
I also go to the gym 4 times a week where I do an hour of various weight and strenghtening exercises which include squats, bench press, chin ups, deadlift, core work etc. My race times have improved considerably with the inclusion of strength training. On race weeks I ease off on leg weight exercises to ensure my legs are fully recovered for race day. My core work consists of planking, press ups and a variety of ab exercises with weights.

Does your diet fit into one of our stereotypes? If so, which one? If not, what would you brand it as?
I try to base my diet on unprocessed foods as much as possible. Your output is based on your input so if you want to perform well, you’ve got to eat the right foods to get results. Eating unprocessed foods also enhances good health. I believe in eating clean and training dirty!
I try to base my diet on unprocessed foods as much as possible. Your output is based on your input so if you want to perform well, you’ve got to eat the right foods to get results. Eating unprocessed foods also enhances good health. I believe in eating clean and training dirty!

Have you followed any diets or detox in the past?
If so, which one? Elaborate
Not really, if I had to pick a diet plan that is closet to my own diet at the moment, it would probably be the Paleo Diet as I eat as little processed foods as possible. However, there are some non-Paleo foods in my diet.
If so, which one? Elaborate
Not really, if I had to pick a diet plan that is closet to my own diet at the moment, it would probably be the Paleo Diet as I eat as little processed foods as possible. However, there are some non-Paleo foods in my diet.
"I try to base my diet on unprocessed foods as much as possible. Your output is based on your input so if you want to perform well, you’ve got to eat the right foods to get results."

Where do you buy your food in Wexford?
Where do you buy your main groceries?
Pettits SuperValu
Where do you buy your meat?
I always buy fresh meat from Pettits SuperValu
Where do you buy your fish?
Pettits SuperValu or Meylers
Where do you buy your vegetables?
I always buy fresh vegetables from Pettits SuperValu
Do you buy food in the local Health Food stores? Which one? What do you buy?
Yes, I often shop in Only Natural or The Natural Health Store. There, I buy my nuts (Almonds and Cashews), Quinoa, Gojiberries, Coconut Oil, Spelt products etc.
Of all of these shops, which is your favourite (or favourites)? I love all of the shops I’ve listed, great products and customer service.
What are your favourite restaurants and cafes in Wexford?
My favourite cafes are Stable Diet Café and The Little Yard at lunch do great salads. My favourite restaurants are The Vine (thai) and Cistin Eile. Both restaurants are excellent at catering to my requests too ie. omitting certain sauces or ingredients if I feel they are not part of my current nutrition plan.
Do you grow any of your own vegetables, fruit or herbs?
Not currently but I plan to in the near future.
Where do you buy your main groceries?
Pettits SuperValu
Where do you buy your meat?
I always buy fresh meat from Pettits SuperValu
Where do you buy your fish?
Pettits SuperValu or Meylers
Where do you buy your vegetables?
I always buy fresh vegetables from Pettits SuperValu
Do you buy food in the local Health Food stores? Which one? What do you buy?
Yes, I often shop in Only Natural or The Natural Health Store. There, I buy my nuts (Almonds and Cashews), Quinoa, Gojiberries, Coconut Oil, Spelt products etc.
Of all of these shops, which is your favourite (or favourites)? I love all of the shops I’ve listed, great products and customer service.
What are your favourite restaurants and cafes in Wexford?
My favourite cafes are Stable Diet Café and The Little Yard at lunch do great salads. My favourite restaurants are The Vine (thai) and Cistin Eile. Both restaurants are excellent at catering to my requests too ie. omitting certain sauces or ingredients if I feel they are not part of my current nutrition plan.
Do you grow any of your own vegetables, fruit or herbs?
Not currently but I plan to in the near future.

Do you look for any particular standards when selecting food?
I think I have high standards. I like to know the source of my food and if its animal produce, how was the animal reared and fed etc.
Do you buy what’s on special offer?
No, I buy what I need and if what I need is on special offer, great!
Do you buy organic vegetables?
Yes, when possible
Do you buy grass fed beef/ free-range chicken and eggs etc.
Yes, when possible
Do you try to buy local/ farmer's market?
Do you try to buy Irish? Which are your favourite products?
I try to buy all Irish products.
Do you try to buy Wexford products? Which are your favourite products?
I do try to buy Wexford products. My favourite has to be the Kilmore Quay fish products.
I think I have high standards. I like to know the source of my food and if its animal produce, how was the animal reared and fed etc.
Do you buy what’s on special offer?
No, I buy what I need and if what I need is on special offer, great!
Do you buy organic vegetables?
Yes, when possible
Do you buy grass fed beef/ free-range chicken and eggs etc.
Yes, when possible
Do you try to buy local/ farmer's market?
Do you try to buy Irish? Which are your favourite products?
I try to buy all Irish products.
Do you try to buy Wexford products? Which are your favourite products?
I do try to buy Wexford products. My favourite has to be the Kilmore Quay fish products.
"On the day of a road racing competition or a challenging training run, carbohydrates are essential to perform so I would have porridge with mixed seeds or blueberries."

What do you eat in a typical day?
Do you always eat breakfast or sometimes skip it?
I always eat breakfast, it’s fuel for the day ahead.
What is your favourite breakfast?
2 egg omelette with green beans, spring onion and peppers with an avocado on the side.
What is your go-to everyday breakfast?
This depends on what training I have ahead of me in the day. On the day of a road racing competition or a challenging training run, carbohydrates are essential to perform so I would have porridge with mixed seeds or blueberries. On non-race days and days when I’m weight training only, I focus more on high protein and healthy fats in my breakfast and reduce carbohydrates significantly for the day.
Do you always eat breakfast or sometimes skip it?
I always eat breakfast, it’s fuel for the day ahead.
What is your favourite breakfast?
2 egg omelette with green beans, spring onion and peppers with an avocado on the side.
What is your go-to everyday breakfast?
This depends on what training I have ahead of me in the day. On the day of a road racing competition or a challenging training run, carbohydrates are essential to perform so I would have porridge with mixed seeds or blueberries. On non-race days and days when I’m weight training only, I focus more on high protein and healthy fats in my breakfast and reduce carbohydrates significantly for the day.

Do you pre-pack a lunch/ eat it at home/ buy it somewhere?
I always pre-pack my lunch
Do you prepare it- or someone else in your house
I always prepare it
Describe it.
My lunch consists of a salad which includes a variety of foods including: iceberg or mixed leave lettuce, rocket, spinach, celery, cucumber, spring onion, peppers, asparagus, kale, chick peas and either chicken, turkey or fish.
Do you pre-pack a lunch/ eat it at home/ buy it somewhere?
I always pre-pack my lunch
Do you prepare it- or someone else in your house
I always prepare it
Describe it.
My lunch consists of a salad which includes a variety of foods including: iceberg or mixed leave lettuce, rocket, spinach, celery, cucumber, spring onion, peppers, asparagus, kale, chick peas and either chicken, turkey or fish.

Evening meal:
Do you cook (or someone else in the house) or buy it?
I mainly cook my dinner. Sometimes my boyfriend will make it, he is a road runner also so we eat similar type foods.
Describe it.
My dinner consists of 2/3 vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus, carrots, parsnips, green beans, sugar snaps, mange tout, onion. I then eat either a chicken breast, turkey, fish or lean steak (all unflavoured and fresh). Depending on training or competitions, I may have sweet potato, 30grams basmati rice, 30grams of spelt pasta or quinoa as a carbohydrate source. The foods in my dinner are all fresh and I don’t use any jarred sauces. I tend not to use sauce at all.
Is it fresh whole foods/ boxed microwave foods/ jarred sauces etc.
My dinner is always fresh whole foods.
If you eat it out- where?
I very very rarely eat out (once every couple of months). If I did, it would be in Cistin Eile or The Vine.
Do you cook (or someone else in the house) or buy it?
I mainly cook my dinner. Sometimes my boyfriend will make it, he is a road runner also so we eat similar type foods.
Describe it.
My dinner consists of 2/3 vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus, carrots, parsnips, green beans, sugar snaps, mange tout, onion. I then eat either a chicken breast, turkey, fish or lean steak (all unflavoured and fresh). Depending on training or competitions, I may have sweet potato, 30grams basmati rice, 30grams of spelt pasta or quinoa as a carbohydrate source. The foods in my dinner are all fresh and I don’t use any jarred sauces. I tend not to use sauce at all.
Is it fresh whole foods/ boxed microwave foods/ jarred sauces etc.
My dinner is always fresh whole foods.
If you eat it out- where?
I very very rarely eat out (once every couple of months). If I did, it would be in Cistin Eile or The Vine.
"The foods in my dinner are all fresh and I don’t use any jarred sauces. I tend not to use sauce at all."

What do you snack on?
I snack on fruit and nuts (unsalted or flavoured of course) on a daily basis and Quest Nutrition Protein bars (once a week).
Where do you buy your snacks from? Pettits SuperValu, health food shops or online for the Quest Nutrition protein bars.
How often do you snack?
I snack 2-3 times per day.
What do you snack on?
I snack on fruit and nuts (unsalted or flavoured of course) on a daily basis and Quest Nutrition Protein bars (once a week).
Where do you buy your snacks from? Pettits SuperValu, health food shops or online for the Quest Nutrition protein bars.
How often do you snack?
I snack 2-3 times per day.

The food in your meals (Quick answers):
How often do you eat the following?
The food in your meals:
Red meat Once a week – Lean striploin steak
Poultry Nearly everyday – turkey or chicken
Fish Three times per week – salmon, cod, hake, haddock
Cereal 3-4 times per week – the only cereal I eat is porridge
Soup 1-2 times per week – homemade vegetable
Fruit Everyday – pink lady apples, pineapple, melon, blurberries, bananas
Vegetables Everyday and loads of them – my favourite are the greens such as broccoli or green beans
Salads Everyday – I would eat any salad without dressing of course
Potatoes Never
Bread The only bread I would eat is porridge bread which I make myself. It has three ingredients – porridge oats, unflavoured and unsweetened yoghurt and bread soda. I would eat this once a week.
Rice/quinoa 1-2 times per week, Quinoa is my favourite out of the two.
Nuts Everyday, unsalted almonds and cashews
Sandwiches etc Never
Sweets/ Cakes/ Puddings Very rarely (once every couple of months) – I’m lucky I don’t have a sweet tooth. My sweet treat is a Quest Nutrition protein bar once a week.
Crisps Never
Take away food Never
Deli food Never
Restaurant Once every 2-3 months, my favourite restaurant food is thai food.
Tea Never
Alcohol Once every few months at most
Smoothies Once a month, homemade and with protein powder
Protein I always have a protein shake post workout. I never drink sports drinks.
Water I drink approximately 3 litres of water everyday
Other Nothing that I can think of!
How often do you eat the following?
The food in your meals:
Red meat Once a week – Lean striploin steak
Poultry Nearly everyday – turkey or chicken
Fish Three times per week – salmon, cod, hake, haddock
Cereal 3-4 times per week – the only cereal I eat is porridge
Soup 1-2 times per week – homemade vegetable
Fruit Everyday – pink lady apples, pineapple, melon, blurberries, bananas
Vegetables Everyday and loads of them – my favourite are the greens such as broccoli or green beans
Salads Everyday – I would eat any salad without dressing of course
Potatoes Never
Bread The only bread I would eat is porridge bread which I make myself. It has three ingredients – porridge oats, unflavoured and unsweetened yoghurt and bread soda. I would eat this once a week.
Rice/quinoa 1-2 times per week, Quinoa is my favourite out of the two.
Nuts Everyday, unsalted almonds and cashews
Sandwiches etc Never
Sweets/ Cakes/ Puddings Very rarely (once every couple of months) – I’m lucky I don’t have a sweet tooth. My sweet treat is a Quest Nutrition protein bar once a week.
Crisps Never
Take away food Never
Deli food Never
Restaurant Once every 2-3 months, my favourite restaurant food is thai food.
Tea Never
Alcohol Once every few months at most
Smoothies Once a month, homemade and with protein powder
Protein I always have a protein shake post workout. I never drink sports drinks.
Water I drink approximately 3 litres of water everyday
Other Nothing that I can think of!

What is your favourite recipe?
My favourite recipe is for sweet potato and salmon fish cakes with broccoli and green beans.
-Steam the sweet potato and mash it up.
-Cook the salmon in the oven until it’s done and mash/chop it up. -Mix the salmon and sweet potato together and add in finely chopped onions and peppers.
-Mould the mixture into little potato cakes and sprinkle some spelt flour to help them to stick.
-Cook them for 3-4 minutes in coconut oil on the pan.
They are delicious with steamed broccoli and green beans.
My favourite recipe is for sweet potato and salmon fish cakes with broccoli and green beans.
-Steam the sweet potato and mash it up.
-Cook the salmon in the oven until it’s done and mash/chop it up. -Mix the salmon and sweet potato together and add in finely chopped onions and peppers.
-Mould the mixture into little potato cakes and sprinkle some spelt flour to help them to stick.
-Cook them for 3-4 minutes in coconut oil on the pan.
They are delicious with steamed broccoli and green beans.

What supplements do you use, if any:
Yes, I use:
-100% Whey Protein Powder for protein shakes
-BCAA Powder or capsules
-Glutamine Powder
I buy all of my supplements online from either Discount Supplements, HP Nutrition or Body First Nutrition.
Note: Do not copy any supplement regimes on without first consulting a qualified Dietitian or Nutritional Therapist.
Yes, I use:
-100% Whey Protein Powder for protein shakes
-BCAA Powder or capsules
-Glutamine Powder
I buy all of my supplements online from either Discount Supplements, HP Nutrition or Body First Nutrition.
Note: Do not copy any supplement regimes on without first consulting a qualified Dietitian or Nutritional Therapist.

Anything to add?
I believe that eating is a necessity but to eat intelligently is an art.
& Just a quick mention to Niall Sheil, St. Killians AC who provides constant positive encouragement.
I believe that eating is a necessity but to eat intelligently is an art.
& Just a quick mention to Niall Sheil, St. Killians AC who provides constant positive encouragement.